Friday 24 February 2012

"Is anything too hard for the LORD?

              When we look at the life of Abraham and Sarah we clearly understand the deep faith and hope of a family. Read the verses from Genesis 18: 9-19. They had no children and they were too old to have a child. God gave a promise that they would have a son. They would have an entirely new spring in their life.  But, for them, it was very hard to believe. Again God promises, "Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, in the spring, and Sarah shall have a son." [Genesis: 18-14]

Every man and woman are facing many problems in their life. Many stages in the life. Sometimes happiness, sometimes sorrow, some other times depressed...As I said in an another blog God has a time to enter in our life. Even if HE is always with us, that particular time we feel  that HE is with us. Just wait for God's promises.  Believe that you will have spring time in your life. "Is anything too hard for the LORD?

lots of prayers,

Bro. Sabu Aruthottyil.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Conventions and Retreats on March 2012

Praise the Lord!

It's been a long time to write a blog.

As the lent season stated let us love one another because "Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:11. " 

I would like to share some of the coming events on next month.

Feb 26 - March 1 : Good News Retreat Centre, 8-mile, Kottayam. Ph: 04812500120


2 : One Day Convention at St.Sebastian's Church, Athirampuzha, Kottayam
07 - 11 : Convention at Mary Matha Church, Olloor, Thrissur
18 - 21 : Convention at Syro Malabar Church, Ratnagiri, Ettumanoor, Kottayam
25 - 29 : Good News Retreat Centre, 8-mile, Kottayam. Ph: 04812500120

lots of prayers,
Bro. Sabu Aruthottyil