Monday 28 November 2011


"Although there is no corn left, and the grapevines, fig trees, pomegranates, and olive trees have not yet produced, yet from now on I will BLESS you" (Haggai 2:19)

 God has no discrimination. HE showers His blessings to everyone. It is never based on the manly quality but from the utmost Mercy and love from our Lord Jesus Christ. He never counts the Race, caste and gender to give His blessings. Because we are the children of God. Devoid of all or transgressions HE loves us unconditionally and waiting to be hugged by your love. Even if you think you are useless, the Lord watches you and Bless you in every way. Pray to the Almighty and be filled with HIS blessings!
Because Jesus is the Greatest.

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