Friday 25 November 2011

“I do want to ….Jesus says

 On the streets of Galilee there laid a man who was suffering from dreaded skin disease. The fortune day has knocked on his life when he went to the mercy of Lord Jesus Christ. He knelt down and begged him for help. “If you want to,” he said, “you can make me clean.” Jesus was filled with pity, and stretched out his hand and touched him. “I DO WAN TO,” he answered. “BE CLEAN!” (Mark 1.40-45)

My dear most loving brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ,

PRAISE THE LORD. The state of mind is different from man to man. In whatever state you are now, it doesn’t matter before JESUS, HE says “I do want to heal you, to love you and bless you.”
Are you in tears? ---Jesus says, HE wants to wipe off your tears from your eyes
Are you in sorrows?    Jesus wants to make you happy
Are you in debts?        Jesus wants to take up your debts
Are you suffering from diseases? Jesus wants to TOUCH you
He says “I AM THE LORD, THE ONE WHO HEALS YOU.” (Exodus 15.26)
From the book of Jeremiah, Lord says “Stop your crying and wipe away your tears. (Jer 31-16) 
“I have seen how they acted, but I will heal them. I will lead them and help them, and I will CONFORT THOSE WHO MOURN. I offer peace to all, both near and far! ( Is 57.18-19

COME TO JESUS, because HE says, “I DO WANT TO…”

God bless you all.

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