Thursday 22 December 2011

Be a Signpost For the Lord!

Let us Celebrate!
The Glory of Our Jesus who became the Flesh to save the world!
Today we ponder over a few simple thoughts from the scriptures Mathew.2: 1-12

"... "Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East, and have come to worship him." 

The Magi saw the shining star. They found that it was special and leading to the new born King; The Savior. The star was the sign post for the three Kings. This is where the first thought lies. Being the sign post for the mankind. For the seekers of eternity... for the downtrodden...for all those who seek the love of God. Those who have received His Love must be a person of love. It should radiate the mercy of God that they may show Jesus to one another.

As we read through the given scriptures another important thought comes up.  

"... going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him." See how they did find the situation. It was with Mary they saw the Child. Then they worshipped Him. As a person we should understand this as very important way of Christianity. Without Mary mother of God, we have no adoration, no worship and no other Halleluiahs in the Church. We should stay with Mary and with her presence we adore the Lord.

.."Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way." 

            Once we saw Him we open the treasures as the Magi had presented Him. It may vary from man to man. It can be your success and gratitude that you bring before the Lord. Another may bring their sorrows...Some other may be in trouble with diseases, pain and sufferings. But we have a new born, our savior, has come to earth for us to deliver from evil.

Keep the message in a nutshell: A star was there to show the way for the Magi. So be a signpost for the Lord. Adore and worship the Lord with Mary. Offer all of yours and lead an another Jesus way. Do not go back to the old path. It may lead you in peril. BECAUSE YOU HAVE ALREADY SEEN THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD!!!

With a prayerful Christmas Greetings,

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